Thursday, April 23, 2009

Center of Life…!!!???

Center of Contentment for me…?
Commitment, Friendship and Affection…
Cheer, Loyalty and Fondness…
… For you!

Center of Dilution for me…?
Satisfaction, Approval and Support…
Spark, Willingness and Trust…
… For you!

Center of Significance for me…?
Stanch, Harmony and Sincerity…
Surefire, Candid and Faith…
… For you!

Center of Focus for me…?
Clarity, Assurance and Consistency…
Duty, Reliability and Certain…
… For you!

Center of Awe for me…?
Submission, Zeal and Vigor…
Devotion, Passion and Alive…
… For you!

Center of Life for me…?
You, You and You…
None but you…
… For me!!!