Monday, March 23, 2009


I need you most
When I'm lonely
When I'm sad.

I need you most
When I'm excited
When I'm happy.

I need you most
When I'm worried
When I'm tensed.

I need you most
During the nights
During the day.

I need you most
When I'm high
When I'm low.

I need you most
When I know what to do
When I don't know what to do.

I need you most
During the best of times
During the worst of times.

I need you most
When I need a hug
When I need a kiss.

I need you most
When I have plans
When I don't have plans.

I need you most
When I need a shoulder
When I need to smile.

I need you most
When there's music
When its silent.

I need you most ……
I need you most ……
To say in a single word,
I need you most ……

January 25th, 2003